Wrapped in plastic has a total different meaning. But this is the outcome of our impact on earth. Wrapping and preserving everything in plastic. As we co habit earth with other species we should think of the consequences of our actions when we just dump our plastic and not recycling it. This brings new meaning to nurturing nature.All plastic that lands up in the ocean gathers some where. We must remember that most storm water drains run into streams, streams into rivers and rivers into oceans. If we lucky this plastic will only land up on our beaches where it can be cleaned up every once in a while by a handful of volunteers.
Girdle forced upon a baby Turtle
Some animals are very lucky and survive against all odds. As we see next to the Whale Observer is a mullet experiencing the same as said turtle. The mullet has been swimming around with this white plastic ring around his/her shoulders for almost three weeks.
Not all critters are this lucky
This poor bird starved with a full stomach. Is this the heritage we want to leave out children. I know I don't
All this is relevant because of the Rubbish dump we created at sea. The North Specific Gyre to be exact.
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